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What Can’t an iPad do That a Macbook Can Do?

Here is a compilation of tasks that an iPad can’t do that a Macbook / computer can do. For some tasks, I’ve added examples and implications.

  • File management and file type support (PSD?) is lacking
    • Apparently, difficult to backup files to an external drive
    • From my own experience trying to copy files from an external SSD, I ended up duplicating a 10+ files because to copy files from an external drive to the iPad in the files app, you need to click the share button first! Why is duplicating files easier than copying files to another folder?
  • Website that require you to use a browser with the Chromium engine
  • Can’t format a drive (as if iPad users would be in this situation)
  • Can’t run some software that is available for macOS
  • Any type of development: XCode, VSCode (albeit web version exist), running scripts/docker images
  • Playing from multiple audio sources
  • Google apps don’t work well (why aren’t these people paying for Office if they are fine with paying the premium for Apple products?)
  • Window management / multi-tasking
  • Apparently, text apps are missing the equation editor feature on iPad
  • Printer support is not feature-parity
  • Zip file (I’m really surprised that people are reporting this as a problem)
  • Attaching multiple files at once to an Email
  • Can’t flash/burn an external drive (unconfirmed)
  • No Firefox extensions
  • I won’t “ding” it, but if video editing is a must, it’s good to test all the features out before the return window closes
  • Camera placement (you don’t look like you are paying attention to the call). Apparently this isn’t an issue anymore.
  • Allegedly no multi-user support? I find this really hard to believe since Android has had this feature for over a decade now
  • Java-based apps
  • Serious PDF editing
  • Using external displays when the primary device is closed (“clamshell” mode)
    • The workaround is to disable locking the iPad when the cover is closed (the iPad screen will remain on so it’s not real “clamshell” mode)
  • Lacking desktop-feel video games
    • Albeit you will be able to play AC: Mirage soon
    • Steam games
    • Can’t play on Minecraft servers that require the Java edition