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Python3 Simplehttpserver



The project I am working on is a tray icon app that will let me play my audio files on my Google Home Mini. To do this I needed to have an HTTP server running so that I can serve my local files from my computer to the Home device.

When I Googled how to do this, I came across this article from 2018 but uses a bit of Python2 to do it. So I tried to find the Python3 alternative and I found out about http.server. This was still a command line solution, not a coded one, so I had to Google again and I came across this article but its too long for too little. I needed a simple HTTP server which can serve files.

I fiddled with my imports and took a look at the BaseHTTPRequestHandler class and tried to use that for the HTTPServer, but it failed. My import statement looked like this: from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler. I removed BaseHTTPRequestHandler and started typing in simple just out of curiosity and voila, my IDE recommend me SimpleHTTPRequestHandler. It worked perfectly and I just had to os.chdir(‘C:/’) to get exactly what I wanted.