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People (NIMBYS) in Canada Responsible for the Housing Crisis

This is a list of Canadians who opposed the building of housing and the deregulation of single family exclusionary zones. Anyone on this list is not a good person, and you should refuse to help them out, especially if you are under 30 years old.

Sue-Ann SueAnnLevy


You’re running for office — do you know what the average “affordable” unit costs taxpayers?

— Sue-Ann Levy (@SueAnnLevy) August 14, 2024 - 12:02 AM EST

This person is straight up an idiot. The city simply negotiates with the builder how many units of a new housing development will be affordable. To ask these pointless questions wastes the time of people who are actually trying to get work done.


This dumbass redditor opposed a railway line from Edmonton to Calgary because “you already need a car in both cities.” First of all, no you don’t. Second of all, a rail line makes housing around each station more attractive. Third of all, Red Deer is right there in the middle of the two cities. People like this should just not contribute to the discussion because it wastes everyone time to tell them how wrong they are. Saying cars are enough is like saying I’d rather drive to Toronto from Burlington than take the GO train. Once a train connecting Edmonton to Calgary exists, it will reduce traffic between the two cities because why bother driving so long? The only reason to drive is when the destination isn’t exactly near the station.

Doug Ford

  • Against four-plexes, although he was for tri-plexes

Global News

I can assure you 1,000 per cent, you go into communities and start putting up four-storey, six-storey, eight-storey buildings right deep into communities, there’s going to be a lot of shouting and screaming,

We are not going to go into communities and build four-storey or six-storey buildings beside residents.

No one said that the units had to be affordable housing. The four-plexes should have a lot of square feet per unit and make it habitable for families rather than individual crackheads. Not to mention, the police exists for a reason.