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Energy Drink Reviews

This is my review of energy drinks. The best way to enjoy an energy drink is to drink it chilled from the fridge. I’ve tried using ice, but it seems like the dilution makes drinks taste worse.

A rating below 5 indicates that water is better to drink.

Energy Drink Cycle

These are the energy drinks I drink on a cycle when I’m not drinking new ones.

  1. Reign Energy White Gummy Bear
  2. Reign Energy Sour Gummy Worm
  3. Reign Energy Reignbow Sherbet
  4. Celsius Orange
  5. Celsius Arctic White

Reign Energy Razzle Berry would be on here but it is unavailable in Canada.

Reign Energy White Gummy Bear (9.1 / 10)

I believe this is better than the Razzle Berry flavour, but I will have to taste the razzle berry again. There isn’t exactly any bad points I can think of. This does have a slight taste like a gummy bear and it’s not overpowering.

I like this a lot. It definitely deserves the #1 spot.

Reign Energy Reignbow Sherbet (9 / 10)

Drinking this chilled puts the Reignbow Sherbet on par with White Gummy Bear

Reign Energy Sour Gummy Worm (9 / 10)

Similar to White Gummy Bear, but I really wish it had a bit more flavour.

Celsius Orange (8.9 / 10)

The first time was okay, but the second time, already chilled from the fridge, it was very refreshing. It is not recommended to eat anything sugary alongside this drink, otherwise the flavour might get ruined.

Celsius Sparkling Arctic Vibe (8.6 / 10)

It’s pretty good too, but it gets over so quickly compared to the C4 and Monster White. I really like how refreshing Celsius Orange is though (when chilled).

Reign Storm Grape (8.5 / 10)

I like the taste of this better than Monster White, so that’s why it’s getting an 8.5. I’ll have the White Gummy Bear soon to compare exactly which drink gets first place. One great and underrated aspect about the Reign Storm brand is that the caffeine level is low enough to have two cans per day! The downside is that the can is actually smaller than the Reign Energy and Monster cans, however I have trouble finishing those cans anyways, sometimes taking up to 3 hours to finish a can. I recommend drinking this cold or with ice for better taste.

Reign Energy Razzle Berry (8 / 10)

The first energy drink that had a good taste that persuaded me to buy another one. This is great and it’s only downfall is this slight after taste that lingers. I forget exactly what that “bad” taste is, but I’ll update this article the next time I drink it. Rated 8 / 10 because I’m saving the perfect score until I’ve tasted and reviewed at least 10 energy drinks.

It’s unfortunate I can’t get this in Canada anymore. Then I’d be able to re-rate it.

C4 Frozen Bombsicle (8 / 10)

The negative is that it doesn’t really taste like an energy drink, more like juice. I had this a second time and I didn’t like it.

Celsius Tropical Vibe (8 / 10)

Tag line: Sparkling Starfruit, Pineapple Flavour

A new entrant to the 8/10s. For drinks rated 8+, I suggest applying a round robin to enjoy the variety of flavours.

A lot of people say that the bilingual label increases costs and hurts competition but I digress. Celsius went as far as to even localize the word flavour. Not to mention some energy drinks are cheaper in Canada after doing a simple USD to CAD conversion. Maybe that’s just due to Canadians having lower purchasing power but oh well.

Monster Camo (7.9 / 10)

This did not taste bad so I am putting it up here.

Monster White (7.9 / 10)

This did not taste bad so I am putting it up here. Update: I had it after a few months and it doesn’t hit the same?

Bang Energy Purple Haze (7.8 / 10)

Rating only

Bang Energy Razz (7.7 / 10)

Watered down Reign Razzle Berry

Reign Storm Kiwi Blend (7.6 / 10)

When I had this a second time, with all the other reviews already done, I have to say, it’s not as good as I thought it was. I’m putting it just above Nos.

Nos (7.5 / 10)

Rating only

Reign Storm Valencia Orange (7.5 / 10)

Rating only

Celsius Kiwi (7.5 / 10)

Definitely better than Orange, but a bit below Monster White

Reign Storm Peach Nectarine (7 / 10)

Although it has a pleasant taste, it is missing a kick found in drinks such as Monster White.

C4 Grape (6.7 / 10)

C4 Hawaiian Punch (6.7 / 10)

Tastes like a partial freezy that isn’t frozen. So basically freezy juice lol.

Celsius Cosmic Vibe (6.6 / 10)

Not disgusting, but only better than the unmemorable Ultra Paradise.

Celsius Sunset Vibe (6.6 / 10)

I really believe this is the same as cosmic. My mouth is also quite dry from drinking it.

Monster Energy Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red (6.6 / 10)

Only a bit better than Paradise, but not that good overall. After the next test (C4 hawaiian punch), I might buy some good drinks.

Monster Energy Ultra Paradise (6.5 / 10)

Dawg what even is this. Give me my Monster White.

Punch Monster Pacific Punch (6.5 / 10)

Make sure to drink when chilled. Tastes like Kool-Aid. I prefer Celsius Orange over this. I don’t mind the calories as the sugar content is only 18% of daily value. But then again, I’m sensitive to sugar, so maybe I do mind.

Punch Monster Mango Loco (4.5 / 10)

Tastes like Mango concentrate juice.

Monster Energy Ultra Strawberry Dreams (4 / 10)

Monster White is better. The flavour is a hint of strawberry and then some concoction. It’s not that enjoyable to drink and I’d even go further to say I’m having trouble drinking it! It doesn’t taste as bad as White Pineapple.

Monster Energy Reserve White Pineapple (3 / 10)

This is also not on par with Monster White. Although I like the Monster White flavour, the pineapple flavour ruins the drink. Pineapple juice is good enough to be honest. I put this under the Reignbow Sherbet just because the Reignbow Sherbet is fruity.

Reign Energy Orange Dreamsicle (2 / 10)

I will admit that I am a prejudice person when it comes to goods and services, however I am open minded because without having an open-mind, you can never push your own definition of perfection. I was biased against the Reign Energy Orange Dreamsicle because why would I want to taste Orange when I have orange juice? I said why not because what if it would be better than Orange juice. I was wrong, it smells and tastes like medicine. Never buying again.

Rockstar Energy Original (2 / 10)

I don’t know what I was smoking when I decided to even review this. Disgusting.

Reign Energy Cherry Limeade (1 / 10)

Disgusting. And by disgusting I mean not my cup of tea.