Author: Ajit Desai
I added authors support just for this guy. I attended his talk at WLU and wrote some notes and wanted to give credit sometime in the future. These author pages will also work well for my book notes like Flash Boys and Thinking, Fast and Slow. The future of course, took 8 months, but I’ve added (or figured out) how to show authors.
Ajit Desai is a data scientist at the Bank of Canada (at least at the time of the talk and as of 2025-1-12).
Ajit Desai is a principal data scientist in the research division of the Bank of Canada’s Banking and Payments Department. His current work leverages cutting edge techniques such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computing to study payments data (including cryptocurrency data) with the primary objective of making Canada’s digital payments infrastructure safe and efficient. Dr. Desai received his Ph.D. from Carleton University in 2018 in Computational Science and Engineering and M.S. from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2011 in Aerospace Engineering.